Enlightening the Future Fundraising Dinner
Into to Event
The charity dinner which raise funds for children in impoverished area of China is initiated by Brighter Future Education Trust and Oak Tree Home care Limited will be held on 6 June, 2015 6PM, Auckland. This event aims to appeal individuals and enter- prises to donate for needy children in the form of auction through this charity dinner. The auction proceeds will be donated to Brighter Future Education Trust.
The organisers highly welcome well-known enterprises and celebrities donate and attend the charity dinner, cooperating to further extend the promotion and social impact to this event and calling on Chinese community in New Zealand to extend their helping hands to the under standard educations in destitute areas and to formulate a trusted platform for people to contribute, donate and support in all possible ways. The sincere thanks to every individuals and enterprises who contribute to the charity dona- tion will be shown up on on-site panels and media, including TV, radio and newspa – pers. This event will be a model that charity event cooperates with flagging enterprises to reveal the enterprise strength and brand impact as well as do the corporate social responsibility.
由新西兰中华助学基金会(Brighter Future Education Trust)和Oak Tree家庭早教 中心(Oak Tree Home Care Limited)联合主办的为中国贫困山区捐资助学的慈善募捐 晚宴将于2015年6月7日于奥克兰举行。本次活动旨在发动个人、企业通过本次慈善宴 会以拍卖和捐赠的形式为中国贫困儿童募捐善款,拍卖所得款项将全部捐献给新西兰中 华助学基金会,为中国的慈善事业尽一份力。
同时,本次活动将借助知名企业、各界名人的赞助和出席,进一步宣传和扩大此 公益项目的社会影响力,呼吁新西兰华人关注中国贫困地区素质教育问题。现场背景喷 绘及电视台、广播、报纸等媒体宣传中,将特别感谢所有在此次活动中出一份力、尽一 份爱心的个人和企业,令彰显企业实力和品牌影响力与践行企业社会责任并行,本次活 动将会成为新西兰华人公益领域的慈善盛会和旗帜性企业合作的典范。
Brighter Future Education Trust
Brighter Future Education Trust was established in April 2006. The foundation was originated by a charity donation event which hosted by the overseas Chinese associa- tion of Guizhou, Guizhou chamber of commerce, China youth federation, the Chinese community service center in 2006, called Enlighten the Future, for raising funds for 254 Chinese needy students in Guizhou. In order to carry this donate event and make sure all the fundraising is to students, the organising committee decided to set up a special agencies. As a result, Brighter Future Education was registered formally in accordance with the relevant New Zealand registration regulations and rules. In order to protect
the work of the foundation, conform to the laws of New Zealand, hiring lawyer Wu Yan lawyer as legal adviser.
Brighter Future Education is a non-profit charitable social group and all members are volunteers without paid. Its purpose is to build a platform to call on Chinese com – munities in New Zealand, supporting the under standard education in poor areas of China in the forms of financial and in-kind donation, sending teachers, technical train- ing, constructing libraries, building schools and other various ways.
Brighter Future trust always carries out the principle of charity, non-profit, aiming to make the charity donation become a long-standing task to the Chinese society in New Zealand, extending its work to whole China which could change more children ’s life.
新西兰中华助学基金会(Brighter Future Education Trust)成立于2006年4月。本基 金会缘起于由贵州华人华侨联谊会、贵州商会、中华青年联合会、华人社区服务中心, 在中国贵州省归国华侨联合会的协助下联合举办的2006年新西兰华人华侨 “托起明天 的太阳”捐资助学活动。活动为254名中国贵州贫困学生提供捐资助学机会,当天有 177名学生被认捐,一个月后,所有学生全部得到捐助。。为了切实做好这次捐资助学 活动,让捐款能够真正送达被捐助的贫困学生手里,“托起明天的太阳”活动筹委会决 定成立一个专门机构进行运作。于是,新西兰中华助学基金会按照纽西兰社团登记有关 法规及规定,正式注册成立。为了保障基金会的工作符合新西兰法律规范,特聘吴岩律 师担任法律顾问。
新西兰中华助学基金会是一个非盈利性的慈善社会团体,所有成员都是不受薪的 义务工作者。目的是搭建一个平台,呼吁新西兰华人华侨,乃至全社会的人们,以资金 投入、实物捐助、派送教师、技术培训、图书室(馆)建设、捐建校舍等各种方式,全 方位资助中国贫困地区的教育以及相关事业的发展。新西兰中华助学基金会始终奉行慈 善、非盈利的原则,目的使资助中国教育事业成为纽西兰华人社会长久人物,将助学工 作扩展到全中国,改变跟多孩子的命运。
Intro to Oak Tree Home Care
Oak Tree Home Care Limited is a young, fast developed early education institu – tion, established in April 2014. Based in Auckland, Oak Tree has set up 3 branches in Wellington Christchurch and Hamilton, and obtained the favourable comment from all communities. Oak Tree is the New Zealand ministry of education funding and recogni- tion, one of the main early education service centre, devoting to provide various gov – ernment funding to Asian community eligible families and provide 0 to 5 year-old baby with early educational allowance. The major education system of Oak tree is based on New Zealand kindergarten education framework, called “Te Whariki”, whose purpose is to assist and help educators to use New Zealand kindergarten education knowledge and methods, so as to let the child integrated into the Chinese and western education system well, and also satisfy children’s psychological and physiological needs their growth stages.
Oak Tree has been holding the purpose that provide the Chinese families for most professional teaching scheme and most advanced educational information, offering Chinese babes high-quality education environment, so as to improve the child’s in – dependence, self-confidence and interpersonal ability to get along.
Oak Tree 家庭早教中心
Oak Tree家庭早教中心 (Oak Tree Home Care Limited) 成立于2014年4月,是一个 新兴的,发展快速的婴幼儿早教机构。总部在奥克兰,现已分别在惠灵顿、汉密尔顿和 基督城设立分部并获得了社会各界人士的好评。OakTree家庭早教中心是新西兰教育部 资助并认可的主要家庭早教服务中心之一,致力于为亚裔社区符合条件的家庭提供多方 面的政府资助,为0-5岁的宝宝提供幼儿早教补助。OakTree家庭早教中心主要的教育 体系建立新西兰幼儿园教育框架 “TeWhariki” 之上,其目的就是去辅助和帮助教育者们 运用新西兰幼儿园里的教育知识和方法,从而让孩子更好的融入到中西方教育体系中, 也可以更好的满足孩子在各个成长阶段心理上和生理上的需求。
OakTree家庭早教中心一直秉承着为华裔社区的家庭提供最专业的教学方案以及最 先进的早教资讯的宗旨,帮助广大华裔社区的宝宝提供优质的教育环境,从而提高孩子 的独立性,自信心和人与人之间相处的能力。
Media Promotion
The media promotion nearly covers all Chinese group in Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Hamilton. The media selections are not only a radio, television and local mainstream press, but including the new media as well to widely cover all Chi – nese age groups. They are CTV8, Auckland Chinese Herald, AM93.6, Wellington new life, Hamilton Waikato Weekly, Christchurch The Sun News and Sky Century Wechat platform.
Event promotion will be divided into two parts. The first part is used to call on the Chinese communities to participate in the charity dinner. The last one is mainly used for news release and organizers will appreciate all the enterprises and individuals.
本次活动的媒体宣传几乎覆盖了奥克兰、惠灵顿、汉密尔顿和基督城所有华人群 体,不仅有广播、电视及当地主流报刊宣传,还有新媒体宣传以更广阔覆盖全年龄段华 人。具体媒体平台有CTV8、 AM93.6、奥克兰先驱报、惠灵顿新生活、汉密尔顿怀卡托 周报、基督城太阳报及时机传媒微信公众平台。
活动将分为前期与后期宣传。前期用于对活动本身的宣传,号召广大华人参与慈 善拍卖晚宴活动。后期主要用于活动盛况报道,主办方将在各大媒体平台感谢赞助企业 及所有参与捐助的个人的善行。
“Enlightening the Future” Fun- draising Dinner has a broad demo- graphic appeal. It covers all Chinese from all walks of life and would be- come the talk-of-the-town. Besides 350 VIP live audiences, it also ap- peals to thousands of TV viewers, in- cluding those in New Zealand.
“托起明天的太阳”慈善晚宴历年来 备受社会各界人士的关注及支持,包括中 国大使馆/领事馆等,曾经也包括知名人 士不远万里前来支持本次活动,易中天/ 于丹等,也同时是侨领们欢聚的家宴。
Event Details
Event Date: 06 June 2015 6:00pm
皇庭大酒楼(Imperial Palace) 519 Ellerslie Panmure Highway, Mt Wellington, Auckland
09 638 8968 OAK TREE 家庭早教 09 570 1056 纽西兰中华助学基金会 03 928 2160 新西兰时机传媒
Offical Partner
In order to provide a different way of association to the event and produce the maxi – mum impact during the show for the potential donnor, we proudly present the Offical Partner Package.
Media Exposure:
Partner’ logos will be appeared on the following promotional materials:-Banners with logos News posts in Wechat**(Promotion stay into the final); v Chinese Herald 378mm*260mm – Auckland
-New Life 255mm*365mm (Friday) – Wellington
-Waikato Weekly 265mm*367mm (Thursday) – Hammilton
-The Sun News 240mm*340mm(Friday) – Christchurch
-Madarin Pages 378mm*260mm – Auckland
-Chinese CTV 8 18.00-23.00 (20’s) channel
v 303,304 & Freeview 28 Plus News Report (04 MAY 2015 – 15 Jun 2015)
-Chinese Voice (20’s) – AM93.6 (04 MAY 2015 – 15 Jun 2015)
-Posters with sponsor’s logo will be show up on most of Chinese restaurants v in Auckland **(Promotion stay into the final);
-Taped broadcast on Youtube and Facebook (exact date to be confirmed) v Opening & closing billboards with Partner’s ID during the taped broadcast. Exposure at venue:
-One representative from the sponsor will present the award on-stage.
-Audio acknowledgement to sponsors right before the Final Show.
-Besides the media entitlement as indicated above, also include 24 VIP
v dinner invitaion.
-Priority to buy additional tickets for the VIP dinner invitaion.
-Photos and Video will provide inc Full Design and production. Enlightening the Future:
-Helping 40 children walk back to school.
Benevolent Contribution Fee: NZ$9,500.00** Amount are one hundred percent tax deductible
Deposit directly to
Brighter Future Education Trust Bank Account
“Enlightening the Future” Fundraising Dinner Invitaion
Cordially, please join us in the ‘Enlightening The Future’ Fundraising Dinner. The charity dinner sets out to raise fund to enable the children to return to school.
Media Exposure:
Sponsors’ logos will be appeared on the following promotional materials:
-Banners with logos News posts in Wechat**(Promotion stay into the final); v Posters with sponsor’s logo will be show up on most of Chinese restaurants v in Auckland **(Promotion stay into the final);
-12 Dinner Invitation to joint the Fundraising Dinner;
-Taped broadcast on Youtube and Facebook (exact date to be confirmed) v Opening & closing billboards with sponsor’s ID during the taped broadcast.
Enlightening the Future:
-Dedicated to helping one children to walk back to school.
Benevolent Contribution Fee: NZ$660.00**
Amount are one hundred percent tax deductible
Deposit directly to
Brighter Future Education Trust Bank Account